Monday, January 6, 2025

CBM Book Review - Why Bad Things Happen in Your Game of Life

Title: Why Bad Things Happen in Your Game of Life: 
Since You’re in the Game, Play to Win!
By: Harry E. Hubbard
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Why do bad things happen to good people? That is the ultimate question. Most will end up blaming God the author states. However, this incredible book offers immense hope and points readers to Jesus Christ. Designed as a video game the author describes the two entities at war (good vs. evil) from a Biblical viewpoint. In a video game there are two opposing teams, rounds, levels and rules. 

With this analogy, Harry E. Hubbard, explains to readers that life also has opposing teams and rules. Know the rules, check the Creator’s Manual (the Bible) and you can make the right choices. Why Bad Things Happen in Your Game of Life is an easy-to-read and easy-to-understand book that presents great Biblical truths in a fun and interesting manner. Reaching generations of youth and adults alike, this book will encourage and inspire one to win at the game we call - life. Do not miss this book! 

The author offers an introduction presenting an overview of the spiritual realm that controls the battles that we do not see. The physical world and the world system collide on a spiritual plane one might not be aware of and you, dear reader, have spiritual weapons to fight this unseen fight that God has given you. Many Christians do not understand the fight, nor how to have victory in Christ. The author offers a deep understanding of the victory that is available. Further explaining the reality of life, he introduces the readers to deep doctrinal truths without overwhelming the reader. This is truly appreciated and a way to understand without reading theological books, which can be difficult. 

With such chapters as: The Game of Life, Life Perspectives, The Serpent’s Fall Guy, The Game Master is Not Powerless and so much more, this is a fascinating read! In today’s age of video games and cell phones, this is one of those books that will reach out to the generation of youth of today. 

What is appreciated the most about the book is a how to take back what you’ve lost in this life and to renew your mind in Christ. He writes from a place of compassion and he is well-seasoned in life’s experiences. He brings a balanced approach to Christian life principles that gives great hope to those who have been wounded within his book as well. 

*Additionally, many resources are included in the back if you need help, counseling, or resources to aid in your healing. 

“Winners don’t just wander over the finish line.” ~ A great quote from the Hubbard. 

A Must-Read and a wonderfully done book offering Biblical truths in an easy-to-read and applicable format! 

You may get your copy of Why Bad Things Happen in Your Game of Life at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.