CBM Book Review - The Impossible Change: Lesbian to Missionary

Title: The Impossible Change: Lesbian to Missionary
By: Priscilla Navaroli
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

From a broken foundation to a new life in Christ, Pricilla Navaroli’s memoir describes The Impossible Change: Lesbian to Missionary. 

Powerful, she shares the darkness and brokenness of family dysfunction, coupled with divorce and traumatic childhood sexual abuse, that led to a life of woundedness, trying to escape and endure feelings of  deep rejection and abandonment. Rebelling as a teen, she soon found a way to numb the pain through drugs and alcohol. This toxic cycle of events in her life eventually led to  becoming a lifestyle of sin and promiscuity with both sexes. At the age of forty-five the author describes an amazing encounter and leading of the Lord. Coming to Christ in a dramatic way, her testimony is one that sheds light on a love story between her and God. She often speaks of God’s grace and love, as she reveals the emotional healing that came into her life because of knowing the love of Christ that initially led her into repentance. Her story is inspirational and also relational, as the author reveals how Jesus healed the bitterness of her soul, giving her a new life of hope and joy in serving Him. She went on to become one who serves Christ wholeheartedly as a missionary.

The author wants others to know that doing things your own way will only take you so far. Her book displays that until she did life God’s way, only then was she able to overcome the temptations and not fall back into her old ways. Addressing the deep rejection, abuse, and unforgiveness she harbored in her heart, her testimony also reveals how God can give one a new and clean heart, thus enabling one to lose all the shame and guilt of the past. Scripture verses teach God’s way, yet she does not preach to readers. Her point in including these verses is for others to gain knowledge of the truth of God and His Word that will bring freedom in one’s life.  

This is a highly recommended read for those that have also had similar pasts and need to find purpose, hope, peace, and joy once again. Her book speaks boldly to those readers and says, “God can do the impossible and make living in wholeness possible, but only through Him.” 

This is a heart-touching and life-changing read!

You may get your copy of The Impossible Change: Lesbian to Missionary at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.