Fully Alive, and Finally Free: Knowing God as Father

Title: Fully Alive, and Finally Free: Knowing God as Father
By: David Howell
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0+ out of 10.0 stars

Fully Alive, and Finally Free: Knowing God as Father by David Howell is the next step book after “How to be a Child of God.” This book is written to teach those who have accepted Christ as Savior, but need to be taught about the victorious life available in Christ. Becoming fully alive in Christ is knowing your identity in Christ. Knowing God as Father sets you free to become who God created you to be. As a step-by-step guide with full color illustrations, the author makes understanding the deep truths of the Gospel that brings real change in one’s soul. 

This is a powerful read that addresses the real issues of life in a simple way. David Howell presents the next steps of how to live the abundant life Jesus offered through a two-fold approach. The first section of the book gives a narrative of the rest of the Gospel and one’s identification in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, as a co-heir with Christ. You are buried, and made alive in Him again, but what’s next? The author makes it clear. In the second half of the book called, “Quiet Time,”  the author has designed a devotional to reaffirm these truths with Scripture and well-done illustration. 

This book is a much-needed tool in discipleship, giving fresh insights and full explanations of the new life available in Christ. The author has a keen sense of knowing the issues that face readers, such as dying to one’s self, and presents the spiritual reality with such ease. This is a wonderful and highly recommended booklet that should be presented to every new believer. Too often, one accepts salvation, but falls away. With that said, this book is a must-read after “How to be a Child of God.” 

Greatly inspiring and true to foundational Biblical truths and Scripture, this book can also be used by pastors, teachers, evangelists, junior and senior high ministries, and the like. I cannot recommend enough the ease of this book, along with the strong scriptural content, that will impact all who read it for Christ. 

Included are additional reading resources and full scriptural content, this book comes highly recommended for new believers.  

You may get your copy of Fully Alive, and Finally Free: Knowing God as Father at Amazon. For more information about the author, his ministry, and additional books, visit Prison Evangelism