Thursday, June 28, 2012

Two Messiahs by Author Jeff Morton

Enlightening, entertaining and educational Two Messiahs by Jeff Morton addresses the controversial issue of Christianity and Islam head on. Join these two Messiahs from two world religions as they engage in a friendly conversation down the winding ancient path from Emmanus to Jerusalem. The reader will be intrigued to discover their identities according to each religion (Christianity and Islam), but more importantly the significant differences. One is Jesus, the other is Isa, the Prophet of Islam. One is the true Messiah, the Son of God and divine in nature, the other, a man and servant of his god.

Relevant for today, this unique book written by Biola University Professor and author, Jeff Morton reflects and reveals the truth about who Jesus the Messiah is. Two world religions cross paths as the author desires to minister to Muslims and Christians alike in this different and unique way. He tells a story, thereby teaching Christians about Islam and reveals to Muslims why Jesus of Nazareth is the true Son of God sent to bring salvation to the world. As the author states, most of the misunderstandings stemming from the differences between Christianity and Islam come from a lack of information.

Author Jeff Morton is a Professor of Intercultural Studies at Biola University and has been ministering to Muslims since 1984. He has ministered in many countries to include West Africa, the U.S. and many other nations. He and his wife Debbie now live in Southern California near one of the largest mosques and Muslim communities on the West Coast. His background is one of extensive research in apologetics, theology and he is particularly interested in presenting the Gospel to those of Islamic backgrounds. He is a member of SIM and i2 Ministries as well. He has trained many missionaries and university students abroad to include Brazil, Thailand, Pakistan and the U.S.

Two Messiahs by Author Jeff Morton is available at Amazon and other fine online bookstores.

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